目前分類:文學發表 (19)
- Sep 17 Sat 2016 00:54
文學 (從戲劇走向英語文學)
- Oct 21 Sun 2012 22:32
破解偶像劇公式 (傲慢與偏見和簡愛 與維多利亞社會)
- Jul 25 Sun 2010 01:48
Shakespeare's sonnets to the Young Man
- Aug 08 Sat 2009 00:00
Reflections on Tess of the d'Urbervilles(下)
Reflections on Tess of the d'Urbervilles(下)
To Tess&Angel
- Aug 07 Fri 2009 22:02
Reflections on Tess of the d'Urbervilles(上)
Reflections on Tess of the d'Urbervilles(上)
To Tess
- Jul 10 Fri 2009 17:59
Reflections on Pride and Prejudice
Reflections on Pride and Prejudice
我發現 傲慢與偏見(書名)
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 14:49
Reflections on To Build a Fire
Reflections on To Build a Fire
The story is so different than other story which I have ever read. The story only had two characters, man and dogs. And the main character was nameless. The author did not give a name to this man. I felt this style was so cool and different.
There are some different thoughts about the man in different time. In the beginning of this story, the man was so overconfident that he thought he could overcome the lower temperature. The weather was seventy-five below zero. When I read this part, I think the man was seem to mad. I am curiosity about this part, as follows. Is it possible that he did not have any concept of temperature? Is it possible that he did not have the concept that human are homoeothermic animal? Human can not bear the lower temperature I think the man had a tragic flaws was overconfident. Because of his overconfidence, make him die in the end of this story. If the man did not have overconfidence, maybe he can still alive many years. In addition to overconfidence, I think he was the person who was foolish and he didn’t have any self-knowledge. When he felt the temperature was so cold, he decided to do something made he feel warm and alive. For example, he ever tries making him feel warm by making a fire. Unfortunately, the snows which on the tree fell make the fire go out. But he was so unlucky that he got many unexpected result. Whatever he did, he wasn’t evading the fate which fated he will be dead.
- Feb 26 Tue 2008 00:43
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Odour of Chrysanthemums
- Dec 19 Wed 2007 01:18
小說2008 schedule
-------*小說 甜蜜之約----------
甜蜜之約 Sweet(7)
Sweet 01 似曾相識
- Feb 13 Tue 2007 08:40
最近 我一直在思考一個問題為什麼 我的作文 內容都會有存在的價值究竟什麼 才是存在的價值? 任何事物都有存在的價值俗話說得好:天生我才必有用行行出狀元人阿不應該看不起自己阿不要妄自菲薄阿我常常說 當然這些並不是廢話而是本文的開端 萬物都有它存在的意義及它存在的貢獻我想這就是存在的價值了吧而人阿不應妄自菲薄看不起自己 也許是因為不管我做什麼都有遇到挫折舉例---->像大部分的人 腳踏車也沒有像我摔那麼多次大概是學ㄌ一.兩年後才會騎因此我對自己有信心 在讀書方面我的成績會有大幅度的改變或許我一直相信著這理念吧 (我不喜歡讓人看衰總有一天 我一定要成為那閃耀的一顆星) 終於 我快達成啦當然 像我這麼笨都改變了那麼其他人呢你們比我聰明多了改變了嗎每個人一定要對自己有信心而且一定要成為那閃耀的星神創造我們 是有意義的我們每個人不論智力與否我們每個人都有最擅長的一部分因為人阿 並非十全十美我想這最擅長的部分應該就是存在的價值吧
- Dec 22 Fri 2006 21:24
The music influence I
本週 將介紹
- Dec 16 Sat 2006 22:01
The weather influence my mood
- Oct 16 Mon 2006 21:08
信心的重要性 The importance of faith.
---------- 人阿 如果想要成功 一定要先對自己有信心...........
為什麼呢? 為什麼要有信心才會成功呢?
只要你有信心 任何困難的事情你都不會害怕....
- Aug 18 Fri 2006 03:47
前天和昨天 我因為太無聊ㄌ 看了網路小說《等一個人咖啡》
-------昨天 我都在看那ㄍ 或許因為角色眾多 讀起來很有趣 -------
---而且有一些人 他都還會有別的....
- Jul 15 Sat 2006 19:39
世界那麼大 看奇事-臥虎藏龍ㄟ海海人生感..言----刻苦耐勞又不服輸的福建三都澳居民
昨天看ㄌ小紅恩(喬恩)代班主持的世界那麼大 .......
-------節目中有幾個部分 我比較感興趣