主角Mike在教室中聽到老師宣導兩性關係的片段,發給同學保險套,而遭到Mike的反對說出的話,並且對同學宣導要先有愛才有性的觀念,這一段還滿發人省思的。 知道我為什麼不需要嗎? 因為我還沒有愛人 You know why I don't need one? Because there's no one I'm in love with. 不是稱為做愛嗎? It's called "making love," isn't it? 我可能落伍了 但我認為這是說和自己愛的人發生關係 Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think that means you do it with someone you love. 最好是結婚後 And preferably when you're married. 當你準備接受這份愛 並打算生孩子 You know, when you're ready to take that love and turn it into a baby. 這才是真正的愛 Because that's what love is. 第一次抱著你的女兒... It's that first moment when you hold your baby girl... 你才意識到 這世上還有這麼精緻的小東西 and you didn't know that anything could be so small or so delicate. 你感覺到小小的心跳... And you feel that tiny heart beat... 你知道她就是你的全部 and you know that you couldn't love anything more in the whole world. 你希望對她好... And you hope that you can do right by that little girl... 摔倒時你在她身邊 不能讓她受到傷害 and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her. 不要摔壞手臂... Not a broken arm... 不要做噩夢... or a bad dream... 也不要傷心難過 or a broken heart. http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1609072713145
- Mar 27 Sat 2010 00:00
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