The Audio-Lingual Method include following techniques, dialog memorization, it means student memorize the dialogue through mimicry, use of minimal pairs, complete the dialog, grammar game, and many drills are conducted based on the patterns present in the dialog, such as backward drill, repetition drill, chain drill, single-slot substitution drill, multiple-slot substitution drill, transformation drill, and question-and-answer drill. Its material includes tapes and visuals.
Desuggestopedia includes following techniques, classroom set-up, peripheral learning, positive suggestion, choose a new identity, it means student may choose a target language name and a new occupation which they want to be, role play, primary activation, creative adaption, first concert, and second concert. Its material includes texts which must have force, literary quality, and interesting characters, tapes, music, and classroom fixtures.
(2)The role of the teacher
In The Audio-Lingual Method, the teacher is like an orchestra leader, who direct and control the language behavior of his students. The teacher likes a dominator who provides model, control direction, and pace.
In Desuggestopedia, the teacher is the authority in the classroom. The students must trust and respect the teacher to make this method is successful. The teacher should create situations which the learner is most suggestible and present material in a way most likely to encourage positive reception and retention.
(3)The role of the students
In The Audio-Lingual Method, students are imitators of the teacher’s model or the tapes he supplies of model speaker. They follow the teacher’s directions and respond as accurately and as rapidly as possible.
In Desuggestopedia, students must maintain a passive state and allow the materials to work on them.
- Nov 19 Thu 2009 16:08
Discuss the Audio-Lingual Method and Desuggestopedia