Relationships between Man and Woman Perform on Frost’s Two Poems
There are many outstanding poets in the different period of 20th century in American literature, such as Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, and so on. And one of these poets I mentioned before is my favorite poets, is Robert Frost who famous for writing poems focusing on the beauty of nature and introspection of human life, using the way of colloquial speech on his poems. I choose two poems which perform the relationship between male and female by Robert Frost. I will talk about the relationship between male and female, similarities, differences and poetic styles of two poems were written by Robert Frost in the following paragraph.
In ‘‘The Subverted Flower’’, there are three characters, the man, the girl who he loves and the girl’s mother. In this poems, it talks about the girl was ruined by a man who she doesn’t love at all. In fact, Robert Frost revealed us the ending of this story we can know from the title of this poem before we read the poem. Frost uses the subverted flower to symbolize the girl was ruined. And use a kind of animal like dog to metaphor the man. In this poem, the man is a demon pursuit to the girl who he crazy love. The characteristic of man is active, forcible, brutal, violent even aggressive likes a beast but the girl is a victim whose personality is passive, forced, and timid. Robert Frost uses following words often are used to describe the animal likes pounce, paw, bark, and so on when the speaker mentions the behavior of man in the poem. Also Frost uses a series of words likes lash, flick, flung, caught, stretch, clasp, sucked to tell the men is violent. Frost dehumanizes the man who ruined the girl. The girl doesn’t love the man so she was blind to his smile for her from the poem we can know. I found a ironical condition because the man doesn’t hope to hurt the girl but he stretch her arm and clasp her. I also found a paradoxical condition from the line “That a flower had marred a man”, but the fact is the man marred the girl. I have doubt about why the girl’s mother doesn’t punish the man who ruined her daughter. The mother just wipes the foam, picks up her comb, and draws her daughter backward home.
In ‘‘Home Burial’’, there are two characters, the husband, the wife. The focus of the poem is the husband and wife’s feelings on the death of their child. We can realize the relationship of husband and wife through their attitude when they look their child’s tomb. Beginning of this poem, it seems to the wife finds treasure although we know the treasure is her child’s tomb after we read the poem. From their reaction on the tomb of the child, we can know the tomb for the wife likes a treasure, wonder which she would like to look forever. But the husband like a blind creature, he doesn’t see the tomb in the beginning. From the death of their child, we may realize the wife still miss, mourn, and feel sorrowful for her dead child. But the husband is unfeeling, and complain his wife why she still mourning for the death of the child. Even he doesn’t feel sorrowful at all after he dugs his child’s tomb with his own hand. We can realize the relationship of the husband and wife is worst from the man’s complaints to her wife. For example, “My words are nearly always an offense. I don’t know how to speak of anything /So as to please you.” we may realize the husband doesn’t understand how to communicate to his wife. And the husband often said “Can’t a man speak of his own child he’s lost?”, this line is strange even with a little bit ironical to the behavior he has done. In my opinion, the answer is A man can speak of his own child he’s lost but it seems to the men never feel sorrowful and concern about his own child’s death. When I read this poetic line, I recall the same condition on the short story from Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” I ever read, both men doesn’t understand the women’s mind. Also I found a line “Let me into your grief. I’m not so much /Unlike other folks as your standing there from his husband said to his wife is ironical. Because the fact is his husband like other folks, he never feels grief to his own child. He never knows why his wife feels unhappy and sorrowful for the death of her devoted child and her husband never know her mind. Except for the poem has irony, the poem also have a paradoxical condition. I have a doubt why the husband doesn’t know the place of the tomb of his own child. Because the tomb was he dug with his own hand. So I believe that the men never care about the child after I know the tomb was he dug. And in the end of this poem, the line from the husband said to his wife who determined to leave the house is useless and meaningless eve nonsense. Because the husband never knows the mind of his wife even if the wife told where she will go or the husband follows her and brings her back. So what? He never understands at all. It is despair for their marriage. So the wife chooses to leave home and find someone who can really understand her mind instead.
There are five similarities on two poems I want to tell you, as follows. Firstly, Robert Frost uses the third-person point of view. In the second place, there are characters of male and female on these two poems. In third, both perform the relationship between the male and female. What’s more, the ending of characters is not happy. Last but not the least, two poems through the female’s standpoint.
There are four differences of these two poems I would like to show to you, as follows. Firstly, the first one totally is narrated by the speaker but the second one is narrated by the speaker and character. In the second place, characters is different relationship, the first one is a relationship between the man as a wooer, the girl as a person wooed by a man she doesn’t love at all, and the girl’s mother who takes care of and saves her but the other is a relationship between the man as a husband and the woman as a wife. In third, the first one the girl is scared to rebel the request from the man she doesn’t love at all but the other the wife is brave to rebel the request from her husband. Lastly, the theme is totally different, the first one is satirize the male likes an animal when he woo the female he loves most, the other is criticize the male is unable to understand the mind of female.
From these two poems, I found Frost is a poet different from other traditional male writer. In these two poems all stand the female’s standpoint to satirize and criticize even attack the male.
- Oct 21 Fri 2011 23:07
Relationships between Man and Woman Perform on Frost’s Two Poems