Journal on “The Buck in the Snow’’ By Edna St. Vincent Millay
Before I read the poem, I look the title “The Buck in the Snow’’. I deliberate the buck in the snow, and then. Frankly, I can’t found the central idea which the poet will tell us from read this title. So I keep my curiosity and read the poem. In the first stanza of this poem, the speaker refers she watched a buck and his doe was happily to leap over the hemlocks bowed with snow at the beginning of evening one day. And the next stanza, the speaker uses only one poetic line to mention that the buck is dead and his blood melts the snow. In the end of this stanza, the speaker tells us death is strange. It seems to the doe thinks if her buck leaps another way, maybe he won’t die.
The theme of the poem is death is unpredicted and horrible because you don’t know what will be happen at the next moment, so we should do everything with attentiveness to delay the death. In this poem, the speaker describes how powerful death is and both buck and snow symbolizes the victim of death. In my own interpretation, whatever buck, the representative of animal, snow, the representative of nature, even human being all unable to escape the talon of death. And I found the poem is different from carpe diem also mentioned we don’t know when the end of doom is. But the poet tells us to do everything carefully to escape the death instead. And I found a poetic line “shift their loads a little, letting fall a feather of snow” is paradoxical because if the buck knows, he won’t die. But unfortunately, the buck doesn’t know the way is dangerous, how he can escape the death. And I think the poem is fatal. I also found hemlocks, the plant with poison metaphors death. Last but not the least, the tone is descriptive. When you read the poem, you may feel the speaker tell us a story and this poem likes allegory.

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