
I don’t feel pressure from skinny celebrities. Why? Because I am so thin. Although I never try to diet, I am still thin. But many people especially women are affected by the magazine, skinny model now.
Most women would like to become so thin that they can wear some fit clothes and makes hers become sexy. Some woman carry out the plan like these: Don’t eat any food after 4 PM, and eat the apple as their breakfast.
I think the condition is morbid. Why people can’t eat some food when they are hungry? In Taiwan, in my opinion, most people are skinny rather than obese unlike U.S.A. I think the reason is Taiwanese main food is rice. Rice is difficult to make people become fat. But In America, they often eat fast food like French fries and fried chicken. The culture of fast food makes as much as 64% of the United States adult population is considered either overweight or obese.

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