Reflections on A Clean, Well-Lighted Place
The story was composed to some statement and many dialogues. The protagonist is the old man. Although he is a main character, he did not say anything as a result of he was deaf. Although he is old, he cannot make himself dirty. He often drinks more; he can not get drunk and behave irrationally. He is a good client. He keeps himself respected. Although he has much money, he does not feel happy. In addition to mentioned that the old man drunks, the story was through two different age waiters say opinions about this old man. Their dialogues show their thoughts and attitude. And their opinions are so different in the same thing. For example, they talked about the old man tried to commit suicide. The old waiter said that the old man wanted to commit suicide because no reason. But the young waiter against the old waiter said. He said that he has plenty of money. I discovered the young waiter is practical. Not only is he practical, selfish, but impatient. For example, I wish he would go home. I never get to bed before three o’clock, the young waiter said. It mentioned that he wouldn’t like to sacrifice his time to company the old man, he only hope the old man can leave the Café immediately. It refer to the young waiter is very impatient and no sympathy to the old man. The old waiter,s attitude is totally different to the young waiter. The old waiter is mature due to he has many experience. In my opinion, perhaps the old waiter is not young any more. So he is sympathetic to the old man and he doesn’t value substance. Maybe he is scared to lonely, too. So he said that I am of those who like to stay late at the cafe. In my point of view, he is identifying with the old man.

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