同一個遺憾 (vs.潘瑋柏)

作詞:李念和、紀佳松 作曲:紀佳松

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Reflections on To Build a Fire

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Reflections on To Build a Fire
The story is so different than other story which I have ever read. The story only had two characters, man and dogs. And the main character was nameless. The author did not give a name to this man. I felt this style was so cool and different.
There are some different thoughts about the man in different time. In the beginning of this story, the man was so overconfident that he thought he could overcome the lower temperature. The weather was seventy-five below zero. When I read this part, I think the man was seem to mad. I am curiosity about this part, as follows. Is it possible that he did not have any concept of temperature? Is it possible that he did not have the concept that human are homoeothermic animal? Human can not bear the lower temperature I think the man had a tragic flaws was overconfident. Because of his overconfidence, make him die in the end of this story. If the man did not have overconfidence, maybe he can still alive many years. In addition to overconfidence, I think he was the person who was foolish and he didn’t have any self-knowledge. When he felt the temperature was so cold, he decided to do something made he feel warm and alive. For example, he ever tries making him feel warm by making a fire. Unfortunately, the snows which on the tree fell make the fire go out. But he was so unlucky that he got many unexpected result. Whatever he did, he wasn’t evading the fate which fated he will be dead.

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Important Events in My Life
There are many important events in my life. There are many happy or miserable events about studying, traveling in my nineteen years of life.
In May 30, 1989, I was born in Lukang. In 1993, I met a teacher who was violent, and mistreated me in a kindergarten named Chin-Chin .One day, my mother went to this kindergarten, she discovered that the teacher treated me so badly, so my mother decided to transfer me to another kindergarten. In 1994, I had a performance with my kindergarten classmates to show our learning achievements.

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  • Apr 08 Wed 2009 00:33
  • Song

還可以 造成你的感動程度

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  • Apr 07 Tue 2009 22:11
  • 畫心



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About my important events in my life
There are many important events in my life. There are many happy or miserable events about studying, traveling in my nineteenth life.
In May 30, 1989, I was born in Lukang. In 1993, I met a teacher who is violent, treat me badly, and mistreat me in a kindergarten which named Chin-Chin .One day, my mother went to this kindergarten, she discovered the teacher treat me so badly. So my mother decided to transfer to another kindergarten. In 1994, I had a performance with my kindergarten,s classmates to show my achievements of my learning.

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  • Mar 18 Wed 2009 21:23

もしもあな たが雨に濡れ

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Film Appreciation: 水男孩
Topic: About summary of this film

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Auld Lang Syne

* Should auld acquaintance be forgot

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夕月夜 顔だす 消えてく 子供の声

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Only Human
作詞:小山内舞 作曲:松尾潔/田中直

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作詞:藤巻亮太 作曲:藤巻亮太

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Just think
I donot know what I think now.
what thing? I donot know

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OT:Ha Ha Ha Song

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主角是一個失婚婦女,她思想前衛、充滿自我意識,她的嫂子對她超級不友善,說話極度難聽,開口閉口句句皆諷刺、挖苦她,而她的哥哥卻想逼她改嫁,她打死不從,可謂前衛,在父權下很可悲的女性,她辛苦賺的錢都被哥哥花完,哥哥投資失敗還怪她帶衰,掃把星,受到委屈找母親訴苦,母親也是勸她改嫁,在父權的體制下,女人算什麼角色,尤其她是失婚婦女,看到這裡我實在不大贊同這種摧殘女性自由的父權,女人離婚後不改嫁,就一定不好嗎?她不可以自己養活自己嗎?為什麼還要留在那個沒有溫暖、充滿痛苦的娘家?我實在搞不懂。我真想對白流蘇說:「離開家吧! 自己養活自己 永遠不用在聽到那些傷人的言語 不用在看到那該死的嫂嫂臉色。」

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  • Mar 04 Wed 2009 20:58
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