Reflections on Recitatif
The story is so special. The author arranges two characters that are different race on purpose. But she doesn’t tell reader who was black or white. Actually her method of work is useful and helps reader to deliberate about the race of these two protagonists. Although it is not her original thought. The author wants to let reader abandon their stereotype about racial discrimination. Unfortunately, I discover I have stereotypes when I deliberate the race of these protagonists. There are some reactions about the race of protagonist, as follows .In the beginning, I consider Twyla is white because she said that her mother dance all night and she also said that Roberta never washed her hair and they smelled funny. But I retort my original thoughts when the story refers Roberta’s mother looked down at me. I think Roberta is white because whites often look down other races right away. The thought always change my original mind. I think this author maybe do something. She may let blacks do something such as, they can dance, they have more money than whites, and they can dress well. And she may let whites can not do something such as, they don’t have good marriage, they don’t have a good memory, and they don’t have a good health body. It is just my guess. I think the author want to destroy reader’s original mind.
And tell reader a thing. No one is absolutely rich or poor. No one is superior or inferior. We should have open mind and abandon our all stereotypes.

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Global Language: English V.S. Chinese
Because of China have many progress in several fields now. Some people think China can replace America as the power nation in the future. So some people think Chinese can replace English as the global language in the future. Although some people think the future status of English can be replaced by Chinese, there is some evidence that the future status of English as the global language is assured.
Opponents of English as the global language in the future claim that Chinese can replace English as the global language. However, the argument is inconclusive. Despite the fact that some statistics show the rate of people use English is higher than English. But in fact only China, Taiwan, and Singapore use Chinese as their global language. But it is unreasonable. Because China is a bigger superficial measurement and have many people.

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這一部是以輕快的音樂Perfect Day而開始,從音樂及劇情開始,我們可以發現到它是部喜劇,Elle Woods原本以為Warner要在約會時向她求婚,但是一切只是Elle在空想罷了,Warner委婉的提出分手,原因只是他要去唸哈佛法學院,而Warner說:一旦他當上參議員,可能娶名媛,絕對不可能取電影明星,從這裡我發現到Warner的家人瞧不起她是位電影明星,有句話說的好,新郎、新娘要門當戶對,倘若Warner娶Elle,可能會被說閒話,被愛人拒絕的Elle,她開始墮落,變醜、不保養,直到她看到雜誌,突然頓悟,為了使Warner回心轉意,她應該進哈佛法學院,這樣才配當Warner的新娘,這段我發現愛一個人必須犧牲自己?

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No Quizzes
In Taiwan, students have quizzes every day. Students often get stress and depressed. Quizzes cause many problems. In order to solve these problems, schools decide not to give any more quizzes. There are some reasons why schools decide not to give any more quizzes.
The first cause of no quizzes is that some students often cheat on exams. Because they often cheat on exams, their teachers feel depressed and angry. As a result, teachers hate to catch someone who cheats on exams, and they complain to school president.

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Flightless Bird American Mouth

I was a quick wet boy

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^_^再次夜唱之20歲慶生Happy Birthday!0___0

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作詞:鄔裕康 作曲:郭子 編曲:屠穎

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詞:十一郎 曲:張宇

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  • May 22 Fri 2009 17:54
  • 勇氣

作詞:張震嶽 作曲:張震嶽

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作詞:張震嶽 作曲:張震嶽

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  • May 22 Fri 2009 17:53
  • 自由

作詞:張震嶽 作曲:張震嶽

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  • May 22 Fri 2009 17:51
  • 春泥

作詞:伊能靜 作曲:庾澄慶 編曲:吳慶隆

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  • May 22 Fri 2009 17:49
  • 壞人

壞人( 中視八點檔 牽牛花開的日子 片尾曲 )


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作詞:張震嶽 作曲:張震嶽

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  • May 22 Fri 2009 17:42
  • 殘廢


作詞:吳克群 作曲:吳克群

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作詞:吳克群 作曲:吳克群

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