Journal on “Nomad Exquisite’’ By Wallace Stevens
Before I read the poem, I look the title “Nomad Exquisite’’ and have a doubt who is the nomad? What is the exquisite mean? Because I can’t get correct meaning on the word “exquisite” from my dictionary. So I keep my curiosity and read the poem. In the first stanza of this poem, the speaker mentions the plant will angry for growth when the dew brings forth. And the next stanza of this poem, the speaker refers people will look all the growth of the plant when the dew brings forth. In the end of this poem, the speaker mentions people bless the crops they planted and grow like the golden side.
The poet expresses the plant’s mind through he uses the personification. For example, “green vine angering for life” is a personification to express them hates the dew brings forth on it. I find an ambiguous condition exists on the whole poem. The plant hates to grow up, but the planter hopes they grow up soon and blesses their crops become golden. It’s very paradoxical situation. I think the nomad may indicate the plant. It seems to metaphor the condition of the plant as a nomad who doesn’t want to settle in the same place. This poem is awesome because the speaker let two kinds of creature includes human being and plants expresses totally different thoughts on the one thing. I think maybe the planter hopes his crops grow up soon and grows in the golden side for making more money and become rich. But the plant would like to lazy on its growth. But the plant become angry for it will grow when it was poured by the dew. And I think the plant symbolizes children, the dew symbolizes the time, and the beholder symbolizes parents. Because children hope they may play toys, watch cartoon, and feel carefree forever. But time is cruel; children have to go to the elementary school when they are seven years old. After all, people all grows up and become elder. And the plants hopes children can grow up pretty soon and children will replace their parents and make money for their family.


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