原唱 : 黄品源

歌名 : 你怎麼捨得我難過

英文版歌名 : Everytime I think of you

演唱者 : Kylie Miccga

Something is going on
Why can't you tell me so
Why take the chance when you know it can last
I didn't know you have find some one new
Won't you tell me
I've been dreaming for so long

When did it happen
How could I be so blind
You promised me that you always be true
Now you are gone
Tell me how could I go on
How could you leave me to my heart and broken apart

Everytime I think of you
It only breaks my heart into
I remember how much you love me
How I love was supposed to be

Everytime I think of you
It only breaks my heart into
I remember how I loved you
How my just to care for you

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