The Thirteenth Annual Graduation Performance of Chung Hua University Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures will be performed at PM7:30 on December 15, 2010 at the Hsinchu City Performance Hall. Please join us together and watch this play called We Go Together. There will be a free shuttle bus at PM6:15 at Xiangshan transfer post that day. 中華大學外文系第十三屆畢業公演,將於12/15晚間7:30於新竹市立演藝廳演出舞台劇《青春無敵-WE GO TOGETHER》,歡迎你一同參與。當天於香山轉運站18:15備有免費接駁車。
故事描述在升高三的暑假,來自澳洲的女主角仙蒂(Sandy)因溺水被男主角丹尼(Danny)救起而一見鐘情,天雷勾動地火的展開浪漫的夏日戀情~再次意外的相遇,卻發現丹尼不僅是萊登高校裡最火紅的幫派-雷鳥幫(Thunder Birds)老大,更是全校女生眼中的萬人迷!而接著校園裡另一派勢力粉紅幫(Pink Ladies) 又會為仙蒂帶來什麼樣的發展? 一連串青少年間的愛恨情仇,究竟,他們的戀情能否禁的起考驗呢? 天蠍幫(Scorpions)的老大李奧Leo和他的女友恰恰Cha cha的出現又會為這兩幫團體帶來什麼災難?一切的高潮迭起都將在新學期開始後真相大白…。
- Dec 12 Sun 2010 01:16
The Thirteenth Annual Graduation Performance of Chung Hua University Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures